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Angry Birds Star Wars — удачное продолжение знаменитой серии Angry Birds Star Wars – одна из последних игр популярной у пользователей серии Angry Birds. На этот раз птицы предстанут перед нами в образах Хана Соло, Чубакки, Люка Скайуокера, Оби-Вана Кеноби и принцессы Леи. Противниками злобных птиц станут замаскированные свиньи, удачно изображающие имперских штурмовиков и Дарта Вейдера.

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таганрогский техникум строительной индустрии

гостиница PARADOR 3* superior tourist Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: PASEO MERCADAL S/N, 26500 CALAHORRA (RIOJA), SPAIN, Телефон: 34-941-130358, Факс: 34-941-135139 Количество комнат: 62 Скидки детям: с 2 по 12 лет. Баров: 1 Банкетных залов: 3 Обслуживание: c 800 до 2230 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 90 km to the nearest airport: PNA Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel as it is known, stands in the town of Calahorra which is situated on a small hill between the rivers Ebro and Cidacos. The cathedral, the town`s most important monument, was built in the 12th and finished in the 16th century. ROOMS Traditional in style. They are charactered by their spaciousnes and modern and funtional installations. RESTAURANT Traditional dishes include pochas (a white bean dish), lomo con pimientos (pork with green peppers), and tortilla a lo bestia (a special omelette). EXTERIOR The facade is orange in tone with a slate roof and wooden framed windows, overlooking the lush green gardens.This red bricks constrcuccion harmoniously constrasts with the fresh water of the river Ebro and Cidacos aelley. The dense vegetation of the garden, filled with flowers and palm trees is inserted in one of the most important historial and artistic ensembles of La Rioja. LOBBY Functional lobby medium in size Clasical decorated, large windows ans blinds adorns a structure with mooth lines, which has a decoration with a clear medieval influence. GENERAL The Parador of Calahorra is located 200 metres from the town hall, at the end od the walk which links the urban and historical center. 14/08 SS. Заметки CANCELLATION DEADLINE 4 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. CANCELLATION DEADLINE 4 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. CANCELLATION DEADLINE 4 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL.