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Angry Birds Star Wars — удачное продолжение знаменитой серии Angry Birds Star Wars – одна из последних игр популярной у пользователей серии Angry Birds. На этот раз птицы предстанут перед нами в образах Хана Соло, Чубакки, Люка Скайуокера, Оби-Вана Кеноби и принцессы Леи. Противниками злобных птиц станут замаскированные свиньи, удачно изображающие имперских штурмовиков и Дарта Вейдера.

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гостиница HETTA 3* superior tourist Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: SF-99400 ENONTEKIO, FINLAND, Телефон: 358-16-521361, Факс: 358-16-521049 Количество комнат: 44 Скидки детям: с 2 по 11 лет. Закрытых басейнов: 1 Банкетных залов: 1 Обслуживание: c 900 до 2300 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 12 km to the nearest airport: ENF 320 km to the nearest station: IN RAVANIEMI 2 minute walk to nearest bus stop. Дополнительная информация LOCATION The Hetta hotel is located in a quiet lakeside spot, surrounded by trees and close to the centre of the small village. ROOMS The rooms are medium in size and are in good condition along with the bathrooms. Rooms are simple in design, with modern furnishings throughout. There are an additional 18 rooms in the hotel annexe of an equivalent standard. RESTAURANT The restaurant is in a fairly large room, well-furnished, offering diners picturesque views across the lake. EXTERIOR This is a low-rise white building which blends well with the nature around it. LOBBY The lobby is large with limited seating, though there is plenty of space for guests to relax in the adjacent bar area. GENERAL The Hetta is a simple but welcoming modern hotel providing a convenient stopping point for travellers between Rovaniemi and the north. RY0403 Заметки SINGLE AND TRIPLE CLOSE TO RACK.